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Why You Should Join Us

  • Experience exclusive content and conversations you can’t find anywhere else. 
  • Meet people who share your interests, who live near you, who do the same things, or who care about the same topics. 
  • Make better, more well-informed decisions about the things that are most important to you. 
  • Swap stories, experiences, and ideas (not necessarily advice) around our shared mission. 
  • Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.
  • We're excited to bring you all together in our own dedicated space, where we don't have to jump from group to group or get distracted by everything else happening on Facebook.

New! Join The Oxygen Challenge 8

Get access to one of our most popular courses, Oxygen Challenge 8–a 90-day fitness and nutrition challenge like no other — with coaches Sohee Lee and Carmel Rodriguez. 

What you'll get:

  • 90 days of detailed workout videos

  • Training tips and exercise demos with progressions/regressions

  • Downloadable workout calendar and weekly workout files

  • No-nonsense nutrition guidelines

  • More than 40 delicious, simple, and adaptable recipes

  • A grocery list of all needed ingredients

  • Access to this community and accountability group where you can connect with your coaches and other participants

Discover Courses Designed for You

Want to build your confidence in the backcountry, get hooked on a healthy new routine, or become a stronger athlete? Find courses for every level taught by the pros you respect. And just like every benefit from Outside+, courses are tailored to your active, healthy, and outdoor pursuits. You won’t find this in a textbook. 

Go to OC8 Course Home